Panel “Digitally Preserving AV Collections Related to the Second World War” (2020)
TRACE principal investigator Dr. Carolyn Birdsall organised and moderated a panel focused on “Digitally Preserving and Making Accessible Audiovisual Collections Related to the Second World War” during the 2020 FIAT/IFTA – IASA joint conference in Dublin (held online). The participants included experts working with radio and audiovisual archival collections across Europe, including Ruurd Blom (Beeld en Geluid, Hilversum), Natsuko Hayama (NHK, Tokyo), Sarah Johnston (Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, Wellington), Eve-Marie Oesterlen and Samuel Baumgartner (British Library Sound Archive, London), Rudolf Mueller (Memoriav, Bern), and Rebecca Rochat (Fonsart/RTS, Geneva).