
Here you’ll find the latest publications and presentations by the TRACE project team, along with links to the project’s database and visualisations.


Carolyn Birdsall

Radiophilia (Bloomsbury, 2023)

Carolyn Birdsall and Erica Harrison

Researching Archival Histories of Radio.” TMG Journal for Media History 25.2 (2022): 1-12 (open access)

Carolyn Birdsall

Tracing the Archival Lives of Radio: Recorded Sound Collections in Belgian and Dutch Radio (1930s-1950s).” TMG Journal for Media History 25.2 (2022): 1-30 (open access)

Friedrich Dethlefs and Carolyn Birdsall

Geschichte der Audiobestände der Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG) und ihrer Archivierung.” Rundfunk und Geschichte 47.3-4 (2021): 9-31 (open access)

Corinna R. Kaiser and Carolyn Birdsall

Von der Kardex-Kartei zur Einführung der Datenverarbeitungsmaschine: Die archivarische Praxis der ersten 20 Jahre des Deutschen Rundfunkarchivs.” Rundfunk und Geschichte 46.1-2 (2020): 11-25 (open access)

Carolyn Birdsall and Viktoria Tkaczyk

Listening to the Archive: Sound Data in the Humanities and Sciences.” Technology and Culture 60.2 (2019): 1-13 (open access)

Erica Harrison

Suitcase of Soundscapes: The London Transcription Service and the Packaging of Wartime Sounds for the BBC’s Global Radio Audience.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (2024): 1-15 (open access)

Erica Harrison

A Faithful Steward of these Values’: The Valorisation of a Translocated German Sound Collection.” TMG Journal for Media History 25.2 (2022): 1-25 (open access)

Corinna R. Kaiser and Carolyn Birdsall

Der Kardex als archivarisches Hilfsmittel im Lautarchiv des Deutschen Rundfunks.” Info7 36.2 (2021): 50-54

Carolyn Birdsall

Found in Translation: Recording, Storing and Writing of Sounds.” In Michael Bull, ed., The Routledge Companion to Sound Studies (London: Routledge, 2019), 210-221

Carolyn Birdsall

Radio Documents: Broadcasting, Sound Archiving, and the Rise of Radio Studies in Interwar Germany.” Technology and Culture 60.2 (2019): 96-128 (open access)

Carolyn Birdsall and Joanna Walewska-Choptiany

Reconstructing Media Culture: Transnational Perspectives on Radio in Silesia, 1924–1948.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 39.3 (2019): 439-478 (open access)


To visit the TRACE project database of historical radio catalogues (using Omeka S), click here.

Impact Explorer

For more information about the TRACE follow-up project AV-DATA, click here.


Carolyn Birdsall and Erica Harrison

“Politics, Provenance, Access: Researching Historical Radio Collections in Europe,” RPTF 2023 conference, Washington DC, US (28 April 2023)

Carolyn Birdsall

“International contexts” roundtable panel, The BBC at 100 symposium, Bradford, UK (14 September 2022)

Erica Harrison

“A Problematic Media Inheritance? Historic German Recordings in Czech(oslovak) Radio Archives”, BASEES Annual Conference 2022, Cambridge, UK (8 April 2022)

Carolyn Birdsall

“Tracing the Archival Lives of Radio: Recorded Sound Collections in the Benelux (1930s-1950s),” TRACE workshop: Historical Traces of European Radio Archives, 1930-1960, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (28 October 2021)

Corinna R. Kaiser

“Remixing the Radio Archive of the Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG): From the Bound Catalog to the Digital Database,” TRACE workshop: Historical Traces of European Radio Archives, 1930-1960, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (29 October 2021)

Carolyn Birdsall

“Why Film and Media Historians should Care about Sound Archiving?,” Retuning the Screen conference, Gorizia, Italy (2 November 2020)

Carolyn Birdsall

“Tracking Radio Collections in Europe, 1930-1960,” Digital Humanities Benelux, Liege, Belgium (13 September 2019)

Carolyn Birdsall

“Materialising Radio Ephemera: From Sound Documents to Acoustic Documentation,” Akustische Dokumente/Sonic Documents conference, Bochum, Germany (18 January 2019)

Erica Harrison

“‘Pointless deadstock’ or ‘mysterious treasure’? The Nazi ‘Loot Collection’ at Czech Radio,” Telling Stories conference, Manchester, UK (19 November 2022)

Erica Harrison

“Popular Culture and Overseas Services” roundtable panel, The BBC at 100 symposium, Bradford, UK (14 September 2022)

Erica Harrison

“We are letting the facts speak for themselves’: The Use of National Socialist Archive Recordings in DDR Radio Features,” Radio and Cultural Memory workshop, Brussels, Belgium (25 March 2022)

Erica Harrison

“A speaking image of the present and the past’: The Valorisation of a Translocated German Sound Collection over Time,” TRACE workshop: Historical Traces of European Radio Archives, 1930-1960, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (28 October 2021)

Carolyn Birdsall

“Architectures of the Air: New Broadcasting Buildings and Creative Practices with Sound Recording, 1930-1945”, Media Buildings: Architecture, Communications & the Built Environment, online (7 July 2021)

Carolyn Birdsall

“For the Love of Radio: International Perspectives on Radiophilia”, The International Perspective on a Radio Centenary, Hilversum, The Netherlands (8 November 2019)

Carolyn Birdsall

“Radio Collections in Europe, 1930-1960,” AVA_Net annual conference, Hilversum, The Netherlands (20 June 2019)